Extensive type


The extensive type DIADEM-150 is selected in cases where we want the lowest possible load (up to 150 kg / m2) and low planting. The special design of diadrain-25H allows the maximum amount of water to be retained and gradually released to the plants, while also allowing for proper root ventilation, and is best suited for the dry climate conditions of the Mediterranean climate during the summer months. The high compressive strength of the drainage diadrain-25H makes it suitable for use for roofs with no footfall but also for roofs with footfall, and can withstand the load of structures such as hardwood decking and more.

The typical build up of the extensive type comprises of the FLW-400 root resistant membrane, the VLS-500 protection and water retention membrane, the DiaDrain-25H drainage board, the VLF-150 geotextile membrane, the lightweight SEM plant substrate of thickness 0.08-0.20 m and low vegetation such as perennial herbaceous plants, ground cover plants, wildflowers, succulents etc. The plant material creates a permanent ecosystem that requires little maintenance. DiaSafe drop protection systems must be fitted to green roofs that are accessible only by service crews and where the safety railing is <1 m, in accordance with the Minimum Safety and Health at Workplace (Modifying) Legislation Regulations of 2002-2004 (PI 174 / 2002-494 / 2004).

Extensive typeindicative projects: